Server Rules
- Cheating or using scripts is prohibited - permanent ban
- Giving info via a voice communication program (TS3, Discord, etc) about enemy players might be considered as cheating - permanent ban
- Spamming advertisements, fishing links etc - mute 1 day / ban 1 week
- Swearing, harassing other players, hate speech - mute
- Offending or intentionally provoking admins - mute
- Impersonating an admin - ban 1 hour
- Pixelwalking (using multijump to jump on non-playable area, etc) - ban 1 hour
- Delaying the game on purpose, teamflashing - kick / ban 1 hour
- Intentionally copying a nickname or clantag - ban 1 hour
- Talking in language other than English, Slovak or Czech - mute 1 hour